For our 2017 Best Value Online Master’s in Nursing Pediatrics and Family Nurse Practitioner ranking, we have selected regionally accredited colleges and universities offering fully online and/or online/on-campus hybrid programs of study in Pediatric Nurse Practice and Family Nurse Practice with options in both acute and primary care focus and have ranked them according to our weighted methodology that aggregates the publicly available data of U.S. News scores, tuition rates, return on investment according to, graduation rates, and cohort default rates to produce an overall score of 1-100. From a pool of over 100 schools, we have chosen the top 25 scoring programs to be included in this ranking. We consider the programs chosen for this ranking to be the “Best Value” programs available, meaning they strike the best balance between a reputation for high quality education, a high return on investment, and low tuition rates.
Nurse practitioners who specialize in pediatrics are equipped to work with patients from birth through early adult-hood. Family Nurse Practitioners typically work in broader scope of practice with patients across the age spectrum. In either case, nurse practitioners typically choose either primary care, or acute care focus depending on the setting they aspire to practice in. However, the scope of practice of either the primary care or acute care nurse practitioner is not entirely setting specific, but is based on patient care needs. The particular expertise of the primary care practitioner emphasizes disease prevention, health promotion and the management of patients with acute episodic and chronic health problems. The patient population of the acute care practitioner includes care of patients with complex acute, critical and chronic illness, disability and/or injury. An online Master of Science in Nursing in either Pediatrics or Family Nursing will prepare practicing registered nurses for advanced practice roles in a variety of settings. The online degree program allows a high degree of flexibility for nurses to pursue career advancements without interrupting their current work.
It should also be noted that in building our ranking we take both in and out-of-state tuition into consideration. However, it is always the case that attending college in your state of residency will always be more affordable and ultimately provide a better return on investment than attending an out-of-state school. Where applicable, any program on this list offered through a public college or university that is in your state of residency should be considered among those at the top of the list.
Note: Tuition rates listed are estimates and total tuition costs will vary from student to student and program to program based on a number of factors including the student’s prior academic background, and the particular nursing role/specialization being pursued.
#1. Ohio State University
Ohio State University is one of the United States’ largest and most comprehensive academic institutions. Located in Ohio’s capital, Columbus, OSU is a highly ranked research university with many opportunities for student involvement. Ohio State is recognized as a top-rated academic medical center and a premier cancer hospital and research center. Ranked at #16 in “Top Public Schools,” and #3 in “Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs,” by U.S. News & World Report.
The Ohio State University College of Nursing is a world leader in thinking and achieving the impossible to transform health and improve lives. OSU’s Master of Science in Nursing in Family Nurse Practitioner degree program is available with a distance learning option where students take coursework online and complete their clinical near their own community. The program is designed to prepare graduates for advanced practice nursing in a variety of clinical settings from private practices, clinics, hospitals, and businesses to managed care organizations and governmental agencies.
Accreditation: OSU is regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Tuition: $46,998
#2. University of Alabama Birmingham
The University of Alabama—Birmingham is a public university located in Birminham Alabama and is one of three universities in the University of Alabama System. The school was established in 1936 as an academic extension center and became an autonomous university in 1969. UAB is ranked by U.S. News & World Report #159 in “National Universities,” #83 in “Top Public Schools,” and #16 in “Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs.”
The University of Alabama Birmingham School of Nursing is an outstanding choice for individuals pursuing an education towards becoming a nursing leader. The UAB School of Nursing is home to a leading research center with funded studies in oncology, pediatrics, minority health, international nursing, HIV/AIDS care, occupational health, and aging and palliative care. The Master of Science in Nursing Primary/Acute Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner program prepares nurses for advanced practice in both primary and acute/continuing pediatric care settings. The program is available online with campus visits for orientation and three additional multi-day intensives throughout the program.
Accreditation: The University of Alabama Birmingham is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Tuition: $27,540
#3. University of Cincinnati
Founded in 1819 the University of Cincinnati is a public research university and part of the University System of Ohio. Enrolling over 43,600 students, UC is the second largest university in the state of Ohio. The University of Cincinnati offers a wide range of online degree options at the associate’s, bachelor’s, and mater’s levels including programs in education, criminal justice, human services, information technology, health sciences, engineering, nursing, and more. U.S. News & World Report ranks the University of Cincinnati #135 in “National Universities,” #71 in “Best Mechanical Engineering Programs,” and #38 in “Best Nursing Schools.”
The University of Cincinnati’s College of Nursing aims to lead the transformation of health care in partnership informed by the people it serves and through the creative leveraging of technology and inclusive excellence. The Master of Science in Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner program is designed to prepare nurses to diagnose and manage common and complex medical conditions in children and adults. The program is offered 100% online. Through the accelerated format the program can be completed in as few as 24 months.
Accreditation: The University of Cincinnati is regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
In-State: $36,200
Out-of-State: $36,950
#4. University of Missouri Kansas City
The University of Missouri at Kansas City is a public research university nationally recognized for the quality of its educational programs. Placing special emphasis on graduate and professional study, including an innovative Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program, UMKC prepares scholars for the challenges of the 21st century. U.S. News & World Report ranks UMKC #210 in “National Universities,” #118 in “Top Public Schools,” and #21 in “Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs.”
The School of Nursing and Health Studies is dedicated to leading in the life and health sciences, and to prepare the nursing and other health professional workforce as leaders in improving health outcomes through inter-professional practice, research, and education. The online Master of Science in Nursing at UMKC is available with both Family Nurse Practitioner and Pediatric Nurse Practitioner track options. Graduates of these programs will be ready to assume responsibility and accountability for the health promotion, assessment, diagnosis, and management of patient problems including the prescription of pharmacologic agents with children and/or families.
Accreditation: The University of Missouri Kansas City is regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Tuition: $29,150
#5. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center is a multi campus institution based out of Lubbock, Texas and is a separate institution from Texas Tech University. TTUHSC is dedicated to the provision of quality education and the development of academic, research, patient care, and community service programs to meet the health care needs of West Texas. The University is ranked #68 in “Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs” by U.S. News & World .
TTUHSC’s School of Nursing strives to graduate expertly trained professional in the nursing field and remains focused on providing experience and education of the highest quality to students. TTUHSC offers an online Master of Science in Nursing in both Acute Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Family Nurse Practitioner. The Pediatric track is designed to meet the psyiologic and psychological needs of children with acute, complex acute, critical, and chronic health conditions. The FNP track is designed for nurses who hope to assume primary care provider roles in rural agencies and other health care settings. The program is online with preceptor-guided clinical learning experiences available in or near students’ home communities.
Accreditation: TTUHSC is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Tuition: $33,048
#6. University of North Dakota
Located in the town of Grand Forks, the University of North Dakota was established by the Dakota Territorial Assembly in 1883, six years before the establishment of the state of North Dakota. UND is known in particular for the quality of its programs in medicine, aerospace, nursing, engineering, business, the arts, and unmanned aerial systems and today remains true to its founding vision as a university with a strong liberal arts foundation surrounded by professional and specialized programs. U.S. News & World Report ranked UND among the top 100 public universities in the country. UND offers a wide variety of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees online in subjects including: education, social work, nursing, occupational therapy, engineering, business, communication, aerospace sciences, and more. UND is ranked #202 in “National Universities, and #110 in “Top Public Schools.”
UND’s College of Nursing and Professional Disciplines is dedicated to preparing future leaders; to advancing human well-being; and improving quality of life for diverse populations with an emphasis on rural communities in North Dakota, the region, and beyond. The online Master of Science in Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner program is designed to prepare students for advanced practice in family primary care nursing. This program will be available for enrollment through fall of 2018 at which point it will transition to a DNP program. The program utilizes a clinical preceptorship model to provide the FNP student the opportunity to obtain extended clinical experiences in a primary care setting. Students are provided the opportunity to socialize into the nurse practitioner role by becoming a health care team member with the preceptor providing guidance as a role model, mentor, and resource person. Students will be required to participate in a one-week intensive on campus each semester.
Accreditation: The University of North Dakota is regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Tuition: $22,800
#7. Drexel University
Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Drexel University is a private institution known for its highly ranked College of Engineering. Drexel has been on the cutting edge of technology since its founding and is known as the first university to operate a fully wireless campus. Drexel focuses on experiential learning through cooperative partnerships with businesses and organizations worldwide in which students can earn credits through paid work. Drexel is ranked #96 in “National Universities,” #14 in “Most Innovative Schools,” and #35 in “Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs” by U.S. News & World Report.
Drexel University’s College of Nursing and Health Professions, a highly-respected, accredited online nursing and healthcare school, has a national reputation as a leader in nursing and healthcare education, drawing on its 150-year legacy of educating nurses and healthcare professionals for successful careers. Drexel’s Master of Science in Nursing Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner program is an online program directed toward preparing nurse practitioners who will take advanced nursing roles as clinicians, educators, researchers, and leaders in the rapidly changing, evidence-driven health care environment. The online program is conducted through synchronous lectures and simulated clinical learning experiences in a state of the art multidisciplinary patient simulation lab.
Accreditation: Drexel University is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
Tuition: $47,476
#8. Old Dominion University

Old Dominion University: Idea Fusion
Old Dominion University is located in Norfolk, Virginia. Established in 1930 as the College of William and Mary, the school acquired university status and its current name in 1969. ODU enrolls approximately 24,000 through on-campus and online programs, and is recognized as a national leader in distance learning. Online programs are offered in a wide variety of subject areas including business, communication, computer science, engineering, education, nursing and more. ODU is ranked #210 in “National Universities,” #118 in “Top Public Schools,” and #61 in “Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs” in U.S. News & World Report’s rankings.
The School of Nursing at ODU works to transform healthcare by preparing exceptional nurses, extending nursing science, and partnering with the global community. ODU’s online Master of Science in Nurse Family Nurse Practitioner program is designed to enhance expertise in theory, research, and advanced nursing practice through academic courses and clinical experiences that take a holistic approach to health and nursing care. Students will be required to travel to the main campus for scheduled training and/or testing at certain points in the program. An important part of the program involves ODU’s grant for a dynamic new preceptorship program for medically-underserved, rural region’s in Virginia. Both preceptors and students train in evidence-based telemedicine and telehealth solutions that have been demonstrated to improve health care delivery.
Accreditation: Old Dominion University is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
In-State: $22,320
Out-of-State: $24,210
#9. University of Connecticut
The University of Connecticut is a public university widely considered one of the nation’s leading research institutions and serves as a hub of academic and research excellence, innovation, and social service to communities. UConn is located in the town of Storrs and has an excellent reputation for high quality educational programs. U.S. News and World Report ranks UConn # 57 in “National Universities,” #19 in “Top Public Schools,” and #57 in “Best Doctoral Nursing Programs.”
UConn’s School of Nursing is committed to wellness and works to provide the exceptional education needed to succeed in the rapidly evolving professional world of nursing. UConn’s Master of Science in Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner program is a hybrid online/on-campus program designed to prepare students as advanced practice nurses to assess, diagnose, monitor, treat, and coordinate care of individuals across the lifespan with common acute and chronic conditions within the context of family and community in primary care settings. Core competencies emphasize teaching/coaching, consultation and evidence based practice.
Accreditation: The University of Connecticut is regionally accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
In-State: $27,452
Out-of-State: $69,524
#10. University of Texas Arlington
The University of Texas at Arlington is the second largest institution in the University of Texas System and is a research heavy institution with a commitment to life-enhancing discovery, exceptional instruction and robust community engagement. UTA nurtures minds within an environment that values innovation, diversity, excellence, access and student success. UTA has a well developed online division with nearly 40% of the universities total population enrolled exclusively in online courses. UTA is ranked #101 in “Best Doctoral Nursing Programs” by U.S. News & World Report.
The College of Nursing and Health Innovation at UTA is a National League for Nursing Center of Excellence and encompasses one of the nation’s largest and most successful nursing schools and a renowned kinesiology program offering degrees in exercise science, kinesiology, athletic training and an undergraduate track in public health. The College is the largest producer of registered nurses in Texas and a leader in the use of online platforms and simulation technology to help more students achieve nursing degrees. The online Master of Science in Nursing Pediatric Primary Care program prepares advanced practice nurses to manage the care of the patient from birth through 21 years of age and their family, in a changing health care system. raw oeif
Accreditation: The University of Texas Arlington is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Tuition: $26,814
#11. Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Northwestern State University of Louisiana was established in 1884 as the Louisiana State Normal School for the preparation of teachers in the region and was the first school in Louisiana to offer programs in nursing and business education. NSU is now a four-year public university primarily located in Natchitoches, Louisiana enrolling over 9,100 students. In addition to its traditional residential programs, NSUL offers accredited online degrees at the associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels in subjects including: art, English, education, health sciences, homeland security, nursing, and more. U.S. News & World Report ranks NUSL #68 in “Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs.”
The College of Nursing and School of Allied Health at NSUL is dedicated to preparing students to achieve their professional goals as responsible and contributing members of their profession and society. The online Master of Science in Nursing with concentrations in both Primary Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Family Nurse Practitioner provides registered nurses the opportunity to gain advanced education and make significant contributions to the improvement of healthcare and to the advancement of nursing knowledge and practice.
Accreditation: Northwestern State University is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Tuition: $19,950
#12. University of South Carolina
The University of South Carolina in Columbia is a public university recognized as a top research and service institution. The university is the flagship campus of the eight-campus University of South Carolina System. USC is known for its innovative “USC Connect” program which integrates learning within and beyond the classroom to help prepare students for life after graduation. USC is ranked #107 in “National Universities,” and #9 in “Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs” by U.S. News & World Report.
The University of South Carolina’s College of Nursing is dedicated to its mission to integrate education, research, and service to develop competent and caring nurse leaders who will shape health and health care delivery with new knowledge, evidence-based practice, partnerships, and policy to facilitate optimal health outcomes for individuals, families, and communities. The Master of Science in Nursing Program is offered online with a concentration in Family Nurse Practitioner. The program is designed to prepare nurses to provide primary health care across the lifespan. All coursework can be completed online; however, students are required to come to campus a minimum twice a semester during clinical rotations.
Accreditation: The University of South Carolina is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Tuition: $22,080
#13. Maryville University
Maryville University is a private institution located in Saint Louis, Missouri. Maryville is consistently named among the best private schools in the country and is ranked #164 in “National Universities,” and #104 in “Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs” by U.S. News & World Report.
The Catherine McAuley School of Nursing offers an online Master of Science in Nursing specializing in Pediatric Nurse Practitioner designed to equip care for children from birth through young adulthood. The program does not require a residency and can be completed entirely through online coursework. Practicum experiences are completed locally in the students home community. The program can be completed in as few as 28 months and can be streamlined toward earning a post-master’s certificate.
Accreditation: Maryville University is regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Tuition: $35,926
#14. Loyola University New Orleans
Loyola University in New Orleans is a private Jesuit school based on the Jesuit tradition of educating the whole person. Loyola maintains a strong emphasis on experiential learning and parters with a wide variety of organizations in which students work directly as part of their learning experiences. Loyola New Orleans is ranked #39 in “Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs” by U.S. News & World Report.
Loyola’s School of Nursing prepares working nurses for critical leadership roles in the health care industry through a variety of undergraduate and graduate level programs. The Master of Science in Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner program is offered online and prepares nurses for employment opportunities in a variety of primary care settings. Graduates will gain the necessary knowledge and skills to provide holistic care to individuals, families, and populations across the health continuum as advanced practice registered nurses.
Accreditation: Loyola University New Orleans is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Tuition: $39,264
#15. Gonzaga University
Gonzaga University is a private, Roman Catholic institution of higher learning located in Spokane, Washington. Gonzaga’s educational philosophy is based on the centuries-old Ignatian model of educating the whole person – mind, body and spirit. At Gonzaga, students discover how to integrate science and art, faith and reason, action and contemplation. Cura personalis,” or care for the individual, is Gonzaga’s guiding theme. U.S. News & World Report ranks Gonzaga #142 in “Best Graduate Nursing Schools.”
The Department of Nursing at Gonzaga University, an integral part of the School of Nursing and Human Physiology, offers programs designed to meet the needs of undergraduate and graduate students who are seeking to expand their knowledge of nursing and to ensure that their nursing practice is based on the best available evidence. The online Master of Science in Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner program is designed to prepare students through a holistic approach to primary care for individuals and families of all ages and to manage a wide variety of acute and chronic health problems. Students of this program will be expected to participate in six on-campus immersions in Spokane, Washington.
Accreditation: Gonzaga University is regionally accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
Tuition: $47,000
#16. Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis is a public university renowned for service learning and civic engagement. As a leader in fostering collaborative relationships, IUPUI values collegiality, cooperation, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship as well as honesty, integrity and support for open inquiry and dissemination of findings. IUPUI is ranked by U.S. News & World Report #197 in “National Universities,” #106 in “Top Public Schools,” and #21 in “Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs.”
The School of Nursing is dedicated to preparing outstanding nurses to be clinicians, educators, leaders, innovators, and scientists. The school partners with students, healthcare professionals, organizations, and communities to inspire lifelong learning and create knowledge to improve the health of the people served. The Master of Science in Nursing Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist program is available online and is designed to prepare students to provide expert care to children with complex health problems and to enhance pediatric nursing practice. This distance accessible program requires students to join fellow students in the classroom at the Indianapolis campus via videoconferencing technology. Additionally, clinical hours must be completed in Indiana.
Accreditation: Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis is regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
In-State: $17,329
Out-of-State: $61,662
#17. University of South Alabama
The University of South Alabama is a public institution of higher learning located in Mobile, Alabama. The university offers a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate level programs including high quality programs in health care.
The College of Nursing at USA was an early adopter of the use of technology in its educational programs and has become known for delivering high quality online nursing degree programs for working nurses. The online Master of Science in Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner program with a majority of courses offered online. The program prepares graduates for family nursing practice and doctoral study. Graduates are able to synthesize and apply advanced knowledge, theories, and research to a specialized area of nursing practice and function as leaders in practice to contribute to the advancement of the nursing profession. Clinical requirements can be completed in the students’ home community.
Accreditation: The University of South Alabama is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Tuition: $24,615
#18. Herzing University
Herzing University is a private nonprofit university located in Madison, Wisconsin and with campuses in eight U.S. states. The university offers programs in nursing, healthcare, technology, business, legal studies, and public safety. Herzing also operates a substantial online division which allows students to take some classes online while taking others at one of the ground campuses. Herzing was ranked #97 in “Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs” by U.S. News & World Report.
Herzing’s online Master of Science in Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner program is offered exclusively on the web, allowing working nurses the convenience of managing coursework on their schedule. Ranging from newborn to geriatric, the FNP program is a population focused curriculum completed in the primary care setting. The curriculum offers advanced, immediately relevant training through core MSN courses, direct care courses, and practicum courses. It is designed to be completed over 20 months (five semesters) of full-time attendance.
Accreditation: Herzing University is regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Tuition: $42,540
#19. Regis College
Located in Weston, Massachusetts, Regis College is a private Catholic university dedicated to the empowerment of women and men through education in the arts, sciences, and professions.
Regis College’s online Master of Science in Nursing Pediatric Nurse Practitioner program is designed to equip students with mastery over every aspect of pediatric patient care. Graduates will be able to diagnose, treat, and prevent illnesses in children; provide caregiver education; and design home care plans for families of children with special needs. Regis’ program stands out with a dedication to social justice woven throughout each course. The program is completely online and can be completed in as few as two years.
Accreditation: Regis College is regionally accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
Tuition: $36,800
#20. University of Texas El Paso
The University of Texas in El Paso is a public research university dedicated to providing access and excellence to students in its region which has resulted in it becoming the only doctoral research university in the U.S. with a Mexican American majority student population.
The UTEP School of Nursing prepares advanced practice registered nurses in the role of the nurse practitioner for either primary or secondary (acute) care through its Master of Science in Nursing Nurse Practitioner program. Students can choose their specialization from focus areas including Family with Primary Care Focus, and Pediatrics with Primary Care Focus. The program is flexible with online instruction. Students may be asked to come to campus a maximum of three times per semester during the last three semesters.
Accreditation: UTEP is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Schools and Colleges.
Tuition: $34,300
#21. Simmons College
Located in Boston, Massachusetts, Simmons College is a small private university known for pioneering liberal arts education for undergraduates with integrated professional work experiences. Simmons also offers reputable graduate programs in nursing and health sciences, education, liberal arts, management, communications, social work, public health, and library and information science. Simmons is ranked #60 in “Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs” by U.S. News & World Report.
Since 1902, Simmons School of Nursing and Health Sciences (SNHS) External link has been preparing nurses to make a meaningful difference in health care by taking the next step in their careers. With a campus located in the renowned Longwood Medical Area of Boston, Massachusetts, SNHS serves as a prominent authority in the New England region and has received national and international recognition. The online Master of Science in Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner program is designed to prepare licensed registered nurses with a bachelor’s degree to become clinical experts who are able to serve the holistic needs of their patients and meet the challenges that are presented in today’s primary care settings.
Accreditation: Simmons College is regionally accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
Tuition: $64,560
#22. Kent State University
Kent State University is a public research university located in Kent, Ohio with satellite campuses across Ohio and the globe in place including New York, Italy, and India. Kent State is a highly reputable institution and one of the largest university systems in the nation. U.S. News & World Report ranks Kent State #188 in “National Universities,” and #101 in “Top Public Schools,”
The College of Nursing is dedicated to the preparation of compassionate caregivers and excellent clinicians. The university utilizes leading-edge simulation technology, and valuable clinical experiences to provide a world class education for nursing students. The College’s online Master of Science in Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner program prepares students with important skills in the areas of health promotion, risk detection, illness prevention, and management of acute and chronic illnesses. Students learn primary care and clinical judgement skills working with faculty and clinical preceptors in a variety of ambulatory care settings and speciality clinics. The program is offered through a flexible blended curriculum with many online courses and full- and part-time options.
Accreditation: Kent State is regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges.
In-State: $45,240
Out-of-State: $81,584
#23. Saint Louis University
Located in Saint Louis, Missouri, Saint Louis University is a private Catholic Jesuit University open to students of any faith. Founded in 1818, SLU was the first institution of higher education west of the Mississippi River and is the second-oldest Jesuit university in the United States. Its mission is the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of God and for the service of humanity. U.S. News & World Report ranks SLU #96 in “National Universities.”
The School of Nursing at SLU has been a recognized leader in nursing education since 1928 and is known for having developed the first comprehensive online MSN programs in the country. The online Master of Science in Nursing Nurse Practitioner program offers flexibility and support and can be specialized to individual students career and personal goals. The program includes options in both Family Nurse Practitioner and Pediatric Primary Care. The program features an online library and online writing center to support the fully online curriculum.
Accreditation: Saint Louis University is regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Tuition: $45,100
#24. Seton Hall University
Located in South Orange, New Jersey, less than 15 miles from New York City, Seton Hall University is a private, Catholic School dedicated to the development of the whole student. Seton Hall University is currently ranked #118 in “National Universities,” by U.S. News & World Report.
Seton Hall’s College of Nursing provides a variety of undergraduate and nationally ranked graduate programs that have prepared students for leadership in the nursing industry since 1937, The College is a pioneer in evidence-based practice, servant leadership, and cutting-edge technology. The online Master of Science in Nursing Pediatric Primary/Acute Care Nurse Practitioner program is designed to prepare nurses to provide a range of healthcare services that promote wellness, prevent illness and manage health and illness needs of children from birth to early adulthood. The program includes courses that cover acute care theory and practice, along with clinical pharmacology, advanced health assessments, major forces in health care, and clinical decision making.
Accreditation: Seton Hall University is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
Tuition: $52,116
#25. Thomas Jefferson University
Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Thomas Jefferson University is a private university focused on health sciences and committed to educating professionals, discovering new knowledge and setting the standard for quality, compassionate, and efficient patient care.
The Jefferson College of Nursing offers an exceptional continuum of nursing degree programs from baccalaureate through doctoral levels. The Master of Science in Nursing Family-Individual Across Lifespan Nurse Practitioner program emphasizes interdisciplinary collaboration and strategies for meeting patients’ primary care needs through a family-centered approach.
Accreditation: Thomas Jefferson University is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
Tuition: $50,692